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No other mantra in the English language can elicit, so forcefully, the emotions of forgiveness, love, and gratitude as the Ho’oponopono mantra. I’ve experienced this first hand and through sharing with countless others - leaving no doubt in my soul the powerful vibration these simple phrases possess.

I have a theory that, simply put, these words cut right to heart of things. No story, no drama, no explanation etc… And by speaking them out loud we wake up something deep within us that was being covered by all the fragile layers of our ego. We wake up the TRUTH.

In the Hawaiian indigenous wisdom, Ho’oponopono - translating to “make things right” - has been used for all means of healing on the principle of taking responsibility and transmuting negative energy for the collective. When one heals so does the other. For me personally, this aspect of Ho’oponopono is most special - I can sense that it is far bigger than myself. There are incredible stories about how this mantra has healed entire groups of people; see this YouTube video below for perhaps the most notable of those stories. Take responsibility for the world you see and see the world transform.


Course Includes:

• 8 x guided meditations

• 6 x journaling practices

• 1 x live coaching session

• 1 x virtual cacao ceremonies (you must source your own cacao - more info)

• A private WhatsApp group for convenience, accountability and a shared experience