Join Jeff and Victoria for a 1-day event.
Immerse yourself in nature with connection, ceremony and yoga in the natural beauty of Grunewald Forest.
Prepare yourself to connect and commune with nature. Saturday night we will come together and plan our escape of the city. All the while we will enjoy community connection, high vibe yoga, a delicious picnic and a gorgeous sunset. We will then go into silence. Silence is of utmost importance. We go into silence the night before to still our minds before immersing ourselves in nature. WHY? Because nature talks, and unless we can slow ourselves down we are never available to listen. There is so much nature is trying to share with us! What our truth is, where can we come more into alignment with life, what our vision for ourselves is and how to find a sense of expansion and exploration with that vision so that we may execute with joy and ease rather than feeling constricted by societies expectations.
Saturday night we begin in a ceremonial silence and maintain that silence as we return back to our lives! This is the most challenging part and well worth it! We can inspire those around us by our commitment to our own self discovery. Judgement is often curiosity in disguise! We will return back together the next morning (Sunday) at Grunwald Forest (still in the silence), and have a brief initiation (ceremony and meditation) before the group disperses into nature.
Now it becomes an individual quest. A call for adventure! Where will you go? What messages, ideas, and inspiration will you gain from mother nature!? You will have 5 hours to explore, be wild, be free, and see what comes up. These 5 hours will be in silence, self directed, and you’ll only be asked to cary a journal to write with and water to drink. Our picnic the previous night will mark the beginning of a fast and that fast will allow us to have a clear mind the day we journey into nature. After the 5 hours we will return to a designated meeting point to have a meditation, sharing circle, and concluding ceremony that is sure to leave a lasting impression of a beautiful experience!