The meaning of a hummingbird visit…
In Native American culture, hummingbirds are seen as healers and bringers of love, good luck and joy. In Central America, they are a sign of love and will bring love to the person who spots them."
I like to think of myself having some hummingbird vibes ✌️
Today I spent time at the campus of my alma mater Georgia Tech. Clearly not studying engineering 😅😅 I see all the students working so hard and it is inspiring! I certainly hope they are happier than I was when I was a student. In fact I've got a lot to say about that... Later ;) What I'll say NOW is that I've spent the last 5 years reengineering myself and it has been worth every second and a lot more!
I've been working on the business side of "Jefe" and... well that's a process hahaha! In time all is coming 💛💙
I know I bring the Heart and Joy. I'm excited to create positive change, awareness, unconditional love and acceptance. I want people to ask me what I do because I think it's the coolest thing in the whole world. Then when they do, I have a hard time describing it in a way I feel does it justice. People just need to trust me and drink the kool aid (it's organic and sugar free y'all -get with it 🤣😂😜)
If you are interested in trying the “kool aid” I’m sharing in my lifestyle and self-development coaching programs:
Mood(s) - Grateful, light, calm, pleased, excited, a bit sassy Jeff in there too.
Love ya!