This article is dedicated to one of my favorite and most effective tools for creating meaningful space in my life, The Happiness Planner! A really well developed and well thought out planner that will have you ticking your happiness boxes and pursuing your life oriented to what makes you HAPPY! Who wouldn’t want that? Seriously, I believe we are meant to pursue happiness for ourselves as the universal way to contribute to humanity. Oh and you’ll figure out what all those things are along the way.
One of the best practices
you can give yourself
My first Happiness Planner was a gift to me by my amazing friends in London as a going away present. I had no clue that a simple planner would have such a positive impact in my life! At the time I had been long since journaling and ticking boxes on to do lists, and so the format of self inquiry and planning for the day ahead were not novel to me. However, as with most great contributions to our world, it was the combination of two powerful things that made all the in creating a standout difference.
By uniting several powerful exercises in self-enquiry and vision work with a brilliantly effective page structure, the Happiness Planner guides you to figure out what exactly it is you need to do for the next 100 days to become happier. I don’t know if you are like me, but often I used to live for the day and rarely looked ahead to set intentions or orient myself toward what it was I wanted to create or develop in the future. And it really changed my life when I took on the personal challenge to commit to 100 days of using this planner. As with anything, I believe, consistency is the mark of growth and this handy planner got me excited to be consistent. I am now on my fourth copy. Thank you Happiness Planner!
Oh by the way, this is totally not sponsored or anything.