Episode 5

Happy 2022 and welcome to Part 5/8 in the 'Jefe Living 8-Part Mini Series' with one Jeff Lester!!
Today we talk about the ancient Hindu scriptures that make up what is considered to be one of the holy scriptures for Hinduism : "Bhagavad Gita".
There is so much practical information that is passed down to us in these scriptures; the information is very much applicable to us, even in our current modern times.
An overall birds-eye view of the book is that the central story being told is one that helps the reader become more aware of their own lives, helping point out the path to 'Ego Dissolve' & the dangers of attachment and ego identification and how selfless acts lead to true abundance in all aspects of life (plus much, much more!!).
This book is highly recommended - there are many different version in both book and audiobook form.
This information is useful at any age and at any stage of your life! There is a lot of replay value...