Hello you amazing human being! You are reading this for a very special reason! You want to remember how it feels to be carefree and lighthearted - or at least I can assume :)
Did you know that the most used word in the Bible (referenced here as a spiritual text) is the word REMEMBER? I heard that on a podcast and it really surprised me, until it didn’t… It did, in fact, reflect my very own journey toward spiritual growth and self development. How returning to the present moment unlocks a deeper wisdom that was inaccessible just moments before because of a distracted mind. Have you every experienced something like that? To me, there is nothing as powerful as landing or “remembering” the present moment.
When I first became serious about practicing yoga and meditation consistently, the idea and the experience of the present moment was profound. It would hit me like a ton of bricks. One moment I’d be walking down a street - minding my own business - all up in my own business - thinking - planning - stressing… Whatever it was, I was in my head. And then I would see a tree, and become present with that tree, and it would seem as if I was seeing a tree for the very first time. Totally trippy, and it beats the hell out of LSD (although I can’t say from experience - but I bet it does haha!).
These moments showed me just how UN-present I was throughout any given day. It was a shocking revelation that I’ve come to accept with time. We (humans) have a limited window of consciousness - and that little window is our portal into a much bigger more meaningful world, one where we are connected and integrated with the present moment. Our capacity to think - has created wonders and disasters! Anxiety, doubt, fear etc.. are the cataclysmic inventions of the thinking mind. So it makes sense to grow and enhance our ability to immerse ourselves into the present moment where those illusory mental creations are unable to exist because they live in the past or future. This is the utility of yoga and meditation and also what I believe is meant by “Remember” as stated many times in the Bible.
I have moments - like any human - feeling less than, feeling incomplete, being stressed, or any low vibe experience. In those moments, occasionally, I am graced by my practice of returning to the present moment. For me, the present moment can seem like an out of body experience but it is ultimately embodied (meaning I feel it - my mind has landed in this moment) and they are worth living for.
As children we live far more in the present moment. When we play we are in essence lighthearted and carefree, because there is nothing else except the object of play. To play is to be fully immersed in the moment. In flow. So it makes a lot of sense to me to experience that wonder as much as I possibly can in every day life. It is a practice. One could even say that I practice being like a child. I would be honored to be given the accolade of “Most Childlike” should such an award exist. If not - I hereby declare it an award and bestow it upon myself :) #winning
Back to serious business…
Ultimately, I have a practice of faith. Trusting that all is well. As Marcus Aurelius said in his personal diary: “everything that happens is right” and that very statement breathes a wondrous amount of space into any constricted thinking pattern I might be experiencing at any given moment. The trick is to Remember - or as I like to say - the PRACTICE is remembering.
So if you’ve made it this far into my nonsensical rambling - thank you, it’s kind of you. And for that - you deserve a nice gift. For me - the best thing I’ve ever done for myself is to create a daily practice of meditation. It helps me Remember the present moment more and more and more! It has changed my life and the life of anyone who practices. A true remedy to the dissonance and calamity of today’s world. And for you, my friend, you have free access to my 30 day guided meditation program and ALSO a meditation I created just so you can Remember what carefree and lightheartedness is like - to reconnect with your inner child and to apply that spaciousness to the challenges in your life and to see that, all is truly well. Just click the button below.
Everything that happens is right.
LOL (lot’s of love),