The ART of Listening
Have you ever considered listening as both a skill and an art? When we employ the idea of “I am a conscious practice” to ourselves, we open up to the possibility that EVERYTHING we do can become richer and more meaningful with the right intention and attention.
This is the premise of “The Art of Listening” - to grow together and experience our life (as it is) more deeply without having to change anything outside us - instead we change ourselves! And the truth is, we can only change ourselves - it is a beautiful truth, once embraced. In society today people invest so much of their time, money, and energy trying to change what’s going on outside them without ever truly and effectively listening to what’s going on inside of them! Let’s be this change that our world today urgently desires.
In this course you will practice with guided meditations for 11 days, at the start and end of the course you will get live coaching sessions to discuss, apply and practice the skills we have developed during the meditations. The online coaching sessions are the perfect place to be heard and to practice listening in a safe space, as well as learn “the three pillars of right listening”: Being, Reflecting, and Conscious Dialogue. All these topics will be addressed and practiced during our live sessions together.
11 guided meditations that you can use as much as you want
2 Art of Listening coaching calls (1hr each)
3 Art of Listening journaling worksheets
Art of Listening Support Community
“That has been a huge game changer for me 🥰 and Jeff, well I can’t even begin to list how he has changed my life. I used to listen to respond, as Jeff said I was waiting for the other person to finish so I could talk. Now I am just wanting to be present. Thank you!”
Practical information
Once you have booked your journey, you will schedule 2 online coaching sessions with Jeff and receive access to the guided meditations and daily practices. The meditation practice is meant to complement the coaching around The Art of Listening and creating conscious dialogue. The coaching sessions will integrate the meditation practice and demonstrate how you can apply listening practices for yourself and in your daily life.
When completing any Jefe Living course in it’s entirety, you will receive an electronic certification of completion and substantial discounts on future course you wish to attend.
“Honestly it has been like a reset button for me . You are so beautiful to listen to and i found the whole experience nurturing.
I had an unexpected confrontational conversation with someone today - they were combative and unreasonable. I was so pleased with how I responded . I was able to state my situation without getting aroused by their energy and language . I was also able to sooth myself afterwards with breathing - rather than being overtaken by replaying what was said, ruminating & getting angry .
A big thank you for sharing your wisdom, your energy, your piece and kindness with us all. It has made a real difference to me and I will greatly miss it. ”
Want to know more? If you are curious about how this program can completely shift your life, or perhaps you want to ask me some questions then click the button below to book a call with me.
“Thank you for these wonderful meditation sessions Jeff. Definitely needed these at this time in my life. It initiated me to bring meditation back into my life and I’m feeling the difference already. ”